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Editions -> Letter to Raleigh ->

A letter of the authors, expounding his whole intention in the course of this worke: which for that it giueth great light to the reader, for the better vnderstanding is herevnto annexed. To the right noble and valorous, Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, Lo: Wardein of the Stanneries, & her Maiesties Lieutenaunt of the countie of Cornewayll., 1617, STC 23085 pt.3

Title: A letter of the authors, expounding his whole intention in the course of this worke: which for that it giueth great light to the reader, for the better vnderstanding is herevnto annexed. To the right noble and valorous, Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, Lo: Wardein of the Stanneries, & her Maiesties Lieutenaunt of the countie of Cornewayll.
Repository: Folger Shakespeare Library
Shelfmark: STC 23085 pt.3
Published by: Humphrey Lownes
Published for: Matthew Lownes
Published Location: London
Published date: 1617
Record Author:
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Provenance Source:
Siglum: FSL_LTR_003
Collation Siglum:

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